Wednesday, October 12, 2011

5 Tips for a Healthy Home

#1 Mold
Mold is a common cause of illness and allergies. It can creep up anywhere in your home but it is most common on, and around, moist areas. Bathrooms, laundry rooms and basements are therefore prone to mold growth. If certain rooms of your home are prone to mold, be sure to take preventative measures such as using ventilation fans and installing mildew-resistant drywall.

Professional Indemnity Insurance Buyers Guide

The What, When, How, Where and Why Guide to Indemnity Insurance for professionals.
Professional Indemnity Insurance is designed to protect you when a problem arises with any professional work you have done. In today’s litigation culture, this form of insurance is becoming increasingly relevant for a range of professions.
Are you thinking about Professional Indemnity Insurance?
Before you buy, it pays to consider the crucial 5 questions:
What exactly is Professional Indemnity Insurance?

Insurance - The Basics begin

What is insurance?
Insurance could be a means of providing protection against monetary loss in a very nice selection of situations. It is a contract in which one party agrees to pay for an additional party's financial loss resulting from a specified event.
Insurance works on the principal of sharing losses. If you wish to be insured, against any type of loss, agree to create regular payments, called premiums, to an insurance company. In come, the corporate offers you a contract, the insurance policy. The company promises to pay a sure total of cash for the sort of loss stated in the policy.

"An Phuc Gia Loc" - new product for rollover customers

In order to express the gratitude to loyal customers who have been with us during our 15 year journey, Baoviet Life launched a new financial solution, a new life insurance product called "An Phuc Gia Loc" for rollover customers. Each customer of Baoviet Life with a matured life insurance policy can be offered a renewal with "An Phuc Gia Loc" product and benefit from its additional favorable features.

Home Insurance

Your home is more than just a roof over your head – it’s a place you have spent considerable time, effort and money building up. And when it comes to the things that make your house a home, you can have peace of mind with Home Insurance.
Benefits and features

Car Insurance

Car Insurance is an all-in-one auto insurance plan that takes care of all your motoring needs while offering many attractive benefits. Whenever and wherever you drive, you’ll have a worry-free trip as your car is now well-protected under this plan.
Benefits and features

Personal Safety Insurance

Life's full of uncertainties. You never know when an accident might happen. Be prepared with Personal Safety Insurance - a personal safety plan that protects you and your family from uncertainties in life. In the event of death or total permanent disability arising from accidents, it relieves your loved ones of the financial burden imposed by loss of income and hefty medical bills. Two levels of coverage are available to satisfy your needs.
Benefits and features